2013-02-16 15:50:51 UTC
"Happy Sitting at the Kid's Table?
I'm not.
I'm not happy at all sitting at the kid's table. But that's where I am.
And if you are a Linux user, you are too. Bet you didn't know that didja?
Neither did I. Until two weeks ago.
That's how long it's taken me to decide whether I'm going to even talk
about this in public. I decided that it's probably something you knew
in your gut anyway.
Yeah many of you did.
I made a good friend at Google three years ago. We became friends
when I was offered an interview for a job there. Fact is...I would have
been this new friend's replacement. He would have trained me in, if I
was hired on.
In that I turned the offer down due to the commitment I now have
really wasn't a surprise to many. Friend was able to find work with
Google in another city where his wife was being transferred so it all
worked out in the end.
And I gained an extremely good friend. He'll be reading this as soon
as it's published. I am sure he suspected it would be a topic for
Two weeks ago, Friend was in Texas and He drove down to see me. We
knocked back a few beers on some small patio bar in Round Rock. When
the subject turned to work, I knew Friend was in a position to answer a
question for me. It's probably something you knew in your gut anyway.
Yeah you did.
I asked him the question:
"Why does Google refuse to reference that Android or Chromebooks are
He took a pull on his Shiner Bock and did something I didn't really
He answered me. And I'm not going to use quotes because I didn't
write it down but this is awful close:
Because Linux Users can't be trusted to behave if they are taken out
into public.
He went on to explain that the powers that be (of which he is not one
but within that circle) simply don't want anything getting in the way of
Google's march to their phone, tablet and computer market supremacy.
Their Chromebook slayed the numbers this Christmas season and many
within the marketing effort at Google believe NOT associating their
brand with Linux may have helped tremendously.
Is Linux mentioned anywhere in the Android Marketing?
Is Linux mentioned anywhere in Chromebook Marketing?
From our public infighting, to our fragmentation in distro and desktop
wars, to our inability to even give decent application names to our
We act like a bunch of children fighting over the drumstick at
In other words.
Let the grownups take care of business, and be quiet....don't make us
stop this car.
And no, don't rage at me. I wrestled with this for a couple of weeks,
knowing it would piss some people off, but more importantly.....
It would validate what many of you already knew.
Many of the grownups just don't want to be seen in public with us.
Maybe not you, and I certainly hope not me, but still...
It is felt that Linux as a brand name is tainted, and for far more
reasons than I mentioned above, but those are pretty much the heavy hitters.
If it makes you feel better to yell at me in the comments, go ahead.
I've pretty much accepted that it would happen anyway.
And by doing so....you fairly well prove Google's point. See?
Sometimes, the grownups are right.
All-Righty Then"
Sunday, January 06, 2013
Too effin' funny!
Exactly what we've been telling you cola "advocates" for years: the
Linux "community" is a pack of petulant, ill-mannered children not
welcome in normal IT society.
Want some examples of their ridiculous childish behavior? Sure thing:
The "community" of Linux freeloaders reacting when they find out they
won't be provided current versions of stuff they had been freeloading:
"Burn in hell
Idiots... you're clueless
i will never use your product again.
Fucking losers
Good riddance
songbird sucks"
From the comments:
Linux children reacting to problems with a Foxconn mobo:
"I spit on foxconn"
"I further believe that Microsoft is giving Foxconn incentives to
cripple their motherboards if you try to boot to a non-Windows OS."
"I am going to start harassing the phone operator at foxcomm "
"I say we boycott Foxconn!"
"If (MCTH (_OS, "l1nux"))
Then (8Uy v1574, 5creW joOr5elF)
"New users, likely booting up Ubuntu will see how "unstable" it is, just
assume that Linux is crap, and run back to Windows over this problem
that Microsoft and Foxconn have in fact, concocted."
An adult at the Ubuntu forum had to step in and close the thread to keep
the Linux children in diapers from eating and slinging too much of their
own doo-doo. Then another adult had to step in and change the thread
title since the Linux children are liars.
"Advocates" on comp.os.linux.advocacy
[H]ypocrite [H]omer: "Shut your fat mouth you stupid fucking American
inbred Redneck"
chrisv: "Fsck you...snotty POS....asshole...worthless
waste of skin...you suck shit...God-damned...fsckwit...Wintroll fsckwits."
Greg Shearman: "fuckwit lying cunt" (among dozens of other uses of fuck
and fucking)
Tattoo Vampire: "His asshole is so reamed out he has room for an oxygen
tank, too."
AZ Nonad: "I've seen the microsoft cocksucker's other posts. I'm
surprised he can type with that enormous penis in his face."
Doug Mentohl: "Fuck off, get aids, get cancer, die a slow painfull
death, in fact let your whole genetic line become extinct ... "
Doug Mentohl: "When are you going to get cancer and die. Hopfully before
your jizz infects any unfortunate female you rohypnoled on one of your
'dates' .. "
Doug Mentohl: "Fuck off, get cancer and die a long and painfull death."
Doug Mentohl: "What the fuck are you on about you ignorant CUNT"
Kier: "go fuck yourself"
Philip Callan: "You ignorant fuck ..."
A DFS-forging loser: "What fucking points, you dumb fucking shit? Where
the fuck do you see anything about my points, you dumb fucking shit?
Are you such a dumb fucking shit that you can't read, much less qualify
technical information?
Cursing and filthy language (directed at anti-Linux people) contained in
the June 2012 posts by one cola "advocate" named chrisv:
"idiot, stupid, morons and assholes, fucking moron, true stupidity,
puerile assholery, worthless piece of shit, evil bastards, trolling
assholes, jackass, dumb bastard, Wintroll circle-jerk, trolls are
filthy, lying piece of shit, piece of shit, piece of shit, piece of
shit, what an asshole, fucking assholes, shitty and dishonest
Linux-haters, prick shit-canned, filthy lying asshole, shit-brained
arsehole, stupidity of epic proportions, stupid pile of shit, jackass,
too God-damned stupid, trolling shitwits, stupid, assholery,
brain-damaged fucktard, piece of shit, drooling retard/liar, drooling
retard/liar, stupid piece of shit wannabe dictators, jackass, clueless
and lying idiot, ignorant ass, Stupid fuckwit!, You stepped in your own
shit, fuckwitted asshole, extremely shitty, lying asshole, trolling
fuckwit, you stupid asshole, piece of shit, asshole, shitty dishonesty,
piece of shit, asshole, fuckwit, fuckwit, lying fuckwit, you piece of
shit, you stupid piece of shit, couple of dishonest little shits, a
disease infesting the planet, piece of shit and liar, fucktard trolls,
Windows-loving asshole, shitty, filthy Wintroll, bald-faced liar, you
piece of shit liar, shitty, useless Linux-haters, you stupid piece of
shit, piece of shit, Utterly worthless liar, filthy Win troll, lying
pieces of shit, fricken jackass, worthless lying piece of shit jackass,
shamelessly lying piece of shit, worthless, shit-brained asshole, piece
of shit liar, the filthy liar, evil selfish bastards, fucking idiot,
fucking stupid, ignorant, spews garbage, jackass, idiot asshole, piece
of shit, stupid piece of shit, trolling fuckwit, piece of shit, lies his
ass off, vile thing, shitty, liar, ignorant lying piece of shit, vile
bastard asshole liar, fucking liar, worthless, shameless jackass,
shitty, piece of shit liar, shameless jackass, filthy lying assholes,
jackass, cram it up your ass, asshole, piece of shit, filthy, immoral,
dogshit brains, shitty little freedom-hating dictator wannabee, fucking
idiot, piece of shit, stupid, ignorant, shameless asshole. Linux-hating
pieces of shit, fucking, shit, shitty, shitty, shitty, selfish assholes,
shamelessly dishonest piece of shit, vile lying bastards, filthy liar,
filthy fucks, fucking assholes, disgusting scumbag, vile filthy mean,
fuckwit, filthy fucking, liar, trolling fuckwit, piece of shit, filthy
fuckwit, vile pukes, you shit, vile bastards, filthy fuck,
mentally-defective bigots disgusting freaks, piece of shit, filthy lying
bigot, shitty, filthy bigots, trolling fuckwit and shit, vile bigot,
fuckwit piece of shit disgusting freak"
One of the "advocates" here on cola - Homer - labels Microsoft a "baby
killer" and claims "Apple is roughly comparable to the Nazis"
"Advocates" on c.o.l.a babbling their nonsense about Linux adoption:
Chris Hunter: "the entire German government, French government, most of
Scandinavia, /all/ of China, and much of India switched to Linux"
Dumb Willie Poaster: "In their SEC filings, MS says Linux is up to 14%
of users"
Fraud 7: "Linux is on one-third of all PCs sold"
High Plains Thumper: "Linux installed base is around 12% - 13%"
Rex Kingmaker Ballard: "3 billion people each have 3-4 consumer
electronic items running Linux"
Hypocrite Homer: "half of European govt bodies dumped Windows in 2003"
Linux: it makes you a stupid lying loon who embarrasses Google.
I'm not.
I'm not happy at all sitting at the kid's table. But that's where I am.
And if you are a Linux user, you are too. Bet you didn't know that didja?
Neither did I. Until two weeks ago.
That's how long it's taken me to decide whether I'm going to even talk
about this in public. I decided that it's probably something you knew
in your gut anyway.
Yeah many of you did.
I made a good friend at Google three years ago. We became friends
when I was offered an interview for a job there. Fact is...I would have
been this new friend's replacement. He would have trained me in, if I
was hired on.
In that I turned the offer down due to the commitment I now have
really wasn't a surprise to many. Friend was able to find work with
Google in another city where his wife was being transferred so it all
worked out in the end.
And I gained an extremely good friend. He'll be reading this as soon
as it's published. I am sure he suspected it would be a topic for
Two weeks ago, Friend was in Texas and He drove down to see me. We
knocked back a few beers on some small patio bar in Round Rock. When
the subject turned to work, I knew Friend was in a position to answer a
question for me. It's probably something you knew in your gut anyway.
Yeah you did.
I asked him the question:
"Why does Google refuse to reference that Android or Chromebooks are
He took a pull on his Shiner Bock and did something I didn't really
He answered me. And I'm not going to use quotes because I didn't
write it down but this is awful close:
Because Linux Users can't be trusted to behave if they are taken out
into public.
He went on to explain that the powers that be (of which he is not one
but within that circle) simply don't want anything getting in the way of
Google's march to their phone, tablet and computer market supremacy.
Their Chromebook slayed the numbers this Christmas season and many
within the marketing effort at Google believe NOT associating their
brand with Linux may have helped tremendously.
Is Linux mentioned anywhere in the Android Marketing?
Is Linux mentioned anywhere in Chromebook Marketing?
From our public infighting, to our fragmentation in distro and desktop
wars, to our inability to even give decent application names to our
We act like a bunch of children fighting over the drumstick at
In other words.
Let the grownups take care of business, and be quiet....don't make us
stop this car.
And no, don't rage at me. I wrestled with this for a couple of weeks,
knowing it would piss some people off, but more importantly.....
It would validate what many of you already knew.
Many of the grownups just don't want to be seen in public with us.
Maybe not you, and I certainly hope not me, but still...
It is felt that Linux as a brand name is tainted, and for far more
reasons than I mentioned above, but those are pretty much the heavy hitters.
If it makes you feel better to yell at me in the comments, go ahead.
I've pretty much accepted that it would happen anyway.
And by doing so....you fairly well prove Google's point. See?
Sometimes, the grownups are right.
All-Righty Then"
Sunday, January 06, 2013
Too effin' funny!
Exactly what we've been telling you cola "advocates" for years: the
Linux "community" is a pack of petulant, ill-mannered children not
welcome in normal IT society.
Want some examples of their ridiculous childish behavior? Sure thing:
The "community" of Linux freeloaders reacting when they find out they
won't be provided current versions of stuff they had been freeloading:
"Burn in hell
Idiots... you're clueless
i will never use your product again.
Fucking losers
Good riddance
songbird sucks"
From the comments:
Linux children reacting to problems with a Foxconn mobo:
"I spit on foxconn"
"I further believe that Microsoft is giving Foxconn incentives to
cripple their motherboards if you try to boot to a non-Windows OS."
"I am going to start harassing the phone operator at foxcomm "
"I say we boycott Foxconn!"
"If (MCTH (_OS, "l1nux"))
Then (8Uy v1574, 5creW joOr5elF)
"New users, likely booting up Ubuntu will see how "unstable" it is, just
assume that Linux is crap, and run back to Windows over this problem
that Microsoft and Foxconn have in fact, concocted."
An adult at the Ubuntu forum had to step in and close the thread to keep
the Linux children in diapers from eating and slinging too much of their
own doo-doo. Then another adult had to step in and change the thread
title since the Linux children are liars.
"Advocates" on comp.os.linux.advocacy
[H]ypocrite [H]omer: "Shut your fat mouth you stupid fucking American
inbred Redneck"
chrisv: "Fsck you...snotty POS....asshole...worthless
waste of skin...you suck shit...God-damned...fsckwit...Wintroll fsckwits."
Greg Shearman: "fuckwit lying cunt" (among dozens of other uses of fuck
and fucking)
Tattoo Vampire: "His asshole is so reamed out he has room for an oxygen
tank, too."
AZ Nonad: "I've seen the microsoft cocksucker's other posts. I'm
surprised he can type with that enormous penis in his face."
Doug Mentohl: "Fuck off, get aids, get cancer, die a slow painfull
death, in fact let your whole genetic line become extinct ... "
Doug Mentohl: "When are you going to get cancer and die. Hopfully before
your jizz infects any unfortunate female you rohypnoled on one of your
'dates' .. "
Doug Mentohl: "Fuck off, get cancer and die a long and painfull death."
Doug Mentohl: "What the fuck are you on about you ignorant CUNT"
Kier: "go fuck yourself"
Philip Callan: "You ignorant fuck ..."
A DFS-forging loser: "What fucking points, you dumb fucking shit? Where
the fuck do you see anything about my points, you dumb fucking shit?
Are you such a dumb fucking shit that you can't read, much less qualify
technical information?
Cursing and filthy language (directed at anti-Linux people) contained in
the June 2012 posts by one cola "advocate" named chrisv:
"idiot, stupid, morons and assholes, fucking moron, true stupidity,
puerile assholery, worthless piece of shit, evil bastards, trolling
assholes, jackass, dumb bastard, Wintroll circle-jerk, trolls are
filthy, lying piece of shit, piece of shit, piece of shit, piece of
shit, what an asshole, fucking assholes, shitty and dishonest
Linux-haters, prick shit-canned, filthy lying asshole, shit-brained
arsehole, stupidity of epic proportions, stupid pile of shit, jackass,
too God-damned stupid, trolling shitwits, stupid, assholery,
brain-damaged fucktard, piece of shit, drooling retard/liar, drooling
retard/liar, stupid piece of shit wannabe dictators, jackass, clueless
and lying idiot, ignorant ass, Stupid fuckwit!, You stepped in your own
shit, fuckwitted asshole, extremely shitty, lying asshole, trolling
fuckwit, you stupid asshole, piece of shit, asshole, shitty dishonesty,
piece of shit, asshole, fuckwit, fuckwit, lying fuckwit, you piece of
shit, you stupid piece of shit, couple of dishonest little shits, a
disease infesting the planet, piece of shit and liar, fucktard trolls,
Windows-loving asshole, shitty, filthy Wintroll, bald-faced liar, you
piece of shit liar, shitty, useless Linux-haters, you stupid piece of
shit, piece of shit, Utterly worthless liar, filthy Win troll, lying
pieces of shit, fricken jackass, worthless lying piece of shit jackass,
shamelessly lying piece of shit, worthless, shit-brained asshole, piece
of shit liar, the filthy liar, evil selfish bastards, fucking idiot,
fucking stupid, ignorant, spews garbage, jackass, idiot asshole, piece
of shit, stupid piece of shit, trolling fuckwit, piece of shit, lies his
ass off, vile thing, shitty, liar, ignorant lying piece of shit, vile
bastard asshole liar, fucking liar, worthless, shameless jackass,
shitty, piece of shit liar, shameless jackass, filthy lying assholes,
jackass, cram it up your ass, asshole, piece of shit, filthy, immoral,
dogshit brains, shitty little freedom-hating dictator wannabee, fucking
idiot, piece of shit, stupid, ignorant, shameless asshole. Linux-hating
pieces of shit, fucking, shit, shitty, shitty, shitty, selfish assholes,
shamelessly dishonest piece of shit, vile lying bastards, filthy liar,
filthy fucks, fucking assholes, disgusting scumbag, vile filthy mean,
fuckwit, filthy fucking, liar, trolling fuckwit, piece of shit, filthy
fuckwit, vile pukes, you shit, vile bastards, filthy fuck,
mentally-defective bigots disgusting freaks, piece of shit, filthy lying
bigot, shitty, filthy bigots, trolling fuckwit and shit, vile bigot,
fuckwit piece of shit disgusting freak"
One of the "advocates" here on cola - Homer - labels Microsoft a "baby
killer" and claims "Apple is roughly comparable to the Nazis"
"Advocates" on c.o.l.a babbling their nonsense about Linux adoption:
Chris Hunter: "the entire German government, French government, most of
Scandinavia, /all/ of China, and much of India switched to Linux"
Dumb Willie Poaster: "In their SEC filings, MS says Linux is up to 14%
of users"
Fraud 7: "Linux is on one-third of all PCs sold"
High Plains Thumper: "Linux installed base is around 12% - 13%"
Rex Kingmaker Ballard: "3 billion people each have 3-4 consumer
electronic items running Linux"
Hypocrite Homer: "half of European govt bodies dumped Windows in 2003"
Linux: it makes you a stupid lying loon who embarrasses Google.